
Mobile App Development, Website Development

  • Design

    UX/UI Design

  • Client

    Legend Cinema

  • Design

    UX/UI Design

  • Mobile

    Mobile Development

  • Website

    Website Development

  • Tags

    Legend Cinema

The Client
Legend Cinema is the no. 1 and the first International Standard Cinema in Cambodia, created and operated by Khmer since 2011. Our rapid growth and expansion from 1 to 13 cinema locations in the past 12 years across the country, has shown our strength in delivery and influence in the film and entertainment industry.

UX/UI Design

Our team created a mobile app and a website that are both user-friendly and accessible. They have a pleasant interface that allows you to book movie tickets in a simple and fast way, giving you a new experience of enjoying cinema.
Legend Cinema_Icon
Legend Cinema Color
Legend Cinema

Mobile App

We are a team of experts in mobile and web development, using cutting-edge technology to deliver solutions that meet your needs and expectations. Our products are designed to be fast, reliable and user-friendly, ensuring a high level of satisfaction and performance.
Legend_Cinema_Mobile App
Legend_Cinema_mobile app
In Conclusion,
We are grateful for the opportunity to work with Legend Cinema on their mobile and website development project. We designed an online platform for easy movie ticket purchase and multiple payment options. We used icons and minimal text for a user-friendly and simple interface that suits local people.


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